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243rd Commemorative House on the Horseshoe
Saturday, August 3, 2024, 9:45 AM - 4:00 PM
Meet in parking lot at 9:45 AM for group photos


"As the Deep River wanders through North Carolina's Piedmont plateau and curves in a horseshoe bend, there stands on a hilltop above it one of the first big houses of upland North Carolina frontier country, the House in the Horseshoe. Built around 1772 by Philip Alston, the home became known as the Alston House. In 1781, fighting erupted around the house as Alston's band of Whigs were attacked by Tories under the command of David Fanning. Later, four-term North Carolina Governor Benjamin Williams lived in the house, which he renamed "Retreat." Today, visitors can walk the grounds where the fighting raged for nearly four hours. enjoy a guided house tour, see the numerous scars of battle, and feel the bullet holes from the Revolutionary War skirmish. The house is fully furnished and features fine antiques of the colonial and Revolutionary War period." "This one day event will highlight the struggles of the backcountry as the Revolutionary War engulfed North Carolina. Battle will take place at 2:00 pm, Saturday only. Activities and demonstrations throughout the day.
288 Alston House Rd.
Sanford, N.C. 27330
Parking fee: $5.00