The Photographer of the Year as well as second and third place winners along with Honorable Mention winners, as participation permits, are determined in December. These selections will be based on the results of all print, POM and POM/Y competitions. Points will be tallied and the winners will be announced at the annual fall banquet in December. A photograph of the Photographer of the Year will be place on the website.
There will be some number of themed and open competitions during the year. The themes will be announced by the Competition Chairman at least two months prior to the competition month. The competition themes are determined by the Competition Chairman, with input from the CCCC board. Photograph content should be suitable for all age public viewing. Points earned during this competition will apply toward the Photographer of the Year Award. See Print Competition rules for details.
There will be 11 monthly POM competitions during the year with some being themed. The themes will be announced by the POM Administrator at least two months prior to the competition month. The competition themes are determined by the Competition Chairman, with input from the CCCC board. Photograph content should be suitable for all age public viewing. Points earned during this competition will apply toward the Photographer of the Year Award. See POM Competition rules for details.
The December POM/Y competition is held among the winners of the previous eleven month POM competitions. The December winner is declared to be the POM of the Year and will be assigned points that will apply toward the Photographer of the Year Award. See POM/Y Competition rules for details.